Elegant Bouquet Holder
Elegant Bouquet Holder
Elegant Bouquet Holder

Eddie Bouquet Holder


Product Details

The Eddie Bouquet Holder is perfect for the "blingy" bride or the bride that just wants to add a hint of bling to her ceremony. Ships in 6-10 weeks

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Shipping Policy


  • Ready to wear items ship within 2-5 days of purchase, unless noted otherwise in the description
  • In stock accessory items ship 2-5 days of purchase but can take several weeks, unless noted otherwise in the description. Please leave a note with your event date
  • Veils may or may not be stocked, these require 3-8 weeks for production
  • Pantora Mini ships in 8-10 weeks unless otherwise stated
  • Pantora Maids ship within the specific window or timeline advertised at the time of ordering, no exception.

Please email CustomerService@pantorabridal.com or call 347-240-1419 Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday